Be Balanced

Opposites, balance, that’s the theme of the year. 2020 is trying to open our eyes to how unbalanced the world has been. Massive greed runs rampant. Those with plenty hold onto it tight as those who starve unnecessarily suffer. We sit still. We don’t move our bodies. We create things to make the need to move obsolete. However, as we see with this virus, nature still operates how nature always has. It is time for us all to examine how we can maneuver our minds, bodies, and souls back into balance.

 I love movement. I enjoy the challenge of learning a new skill, of having to shed my big head and allow criticism in order to improve. I love being a beginner. I believe in the basics/fundamentals. I dislike the idea of placing ourselves in boxes with titles such as a yogi, weightlifter, and so on. We are human first. Humans need to express movement often in a vast variety of ways. Below are some simple ways to bring some balance to your training.

·      If you always stand, kneel

·      If you always stay still, move

·      If you always sit, stand

·      If you are always on a specific level, change levels (TGU)

·      If you always move fast, move slow (eccentrics, tai chi)

·      If you always lift heavy, lift light

·      If you always do high reps, do low reps

·      If you always push, pull (pull-ups, rows, climb)

·      If you are always in flexion, hit some extension (cobra, cat stretch)

·      If you are always right-side up, get upside down (inversion table, gravity boots)

·      If you are always on the ground, hang by your limbs (brachiate)

·      If you never lift weights, lift weights (kettlebell training)

·      If you only lift weights, train bodyweight (gymnastics, ballet, yoga, pilates, martial arts)

·      If you only create tension, relax (yoga, meditation, martial arts)

·      If you only use your dominant hand, use your non-dominant (K3, kettlebell training)

·      If you always move indoors, move outdoors (hike, walk)

·      If you always do high intensity, do low intensity

Get creative! We all have patterns. We all have things we like to do. There is nothing wrong with that. However, even too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. The clichés in life are often right yet annoying. Do what you don’t want to do, or what you haven’t been doing so you can continue to do what you want to do.

Let me know how you plan on making your movement more balanced.