That's Your Opinion

We can’t become consequently worried about saying the wrong thing that we say nothing at all. Silence is a friend of complacency. If we want change, we have to speak. We have to be willing to have conversations. We must understand that having successful difficult conversations is up to both parties having the conversation. This means we have to stop thinking our opinions are right. We must be willing to hear opposing thoughts and understand that they aren’t wrong, they're different. We need to develop skills that don’t force the conversation to end before change can begin. Jumping down someone’s throat because they have a different opinion is a good way to further cement that opposing opinion.

Understanding one another is only found when you listen. If you jump into a conversation only looking to convince the other person you are right, you lost right from the start. The purpose of conversation is to understand one another and where each other is coming from. 

I see online all of the time people unable to have opposing opinions with their friends. These same people allegedly want to see change in the world. If we can’t have different opinions than our friends then how do we expect to be able to have opposing opinions with strangers and how can we expect change to happen.

Change starts with us. We are all responsible. We need to be willing to say the wrong thing but that means we need to have the humility to not cast out anyone who says something a little off-kilter. 

No one is perfect.

At a Certification I was teaching at a few weeks ago I thought I was going to give a smart/inclusive answer to a student’s question. I started talking and immediately wanted my words back in my mouth, seriously what the heck was I talking about. The assumption I had made further proved to myself the work that still needs to be done. One of my peers gave an answer I wish I could have given, it was exactly what I would have liked to have said. As much as I try to work on some things I will always have more work to do and that is ok. Not being frustrated by change or growth is key to striving to become the best version of myself I can be. Listening to others and learning from them is something I truly enjoy. I’ll continue to speak, have conversations and not fear the possibility of learning something new.

Take risks, go out on a limb, talk about taboo topics. Allow others to speak freely. Listen. Learn. Grow.